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At Ilchester Community Primary, we aim to give pupils the skills required to engage safely with information technology with confidence and curiosity. 

Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students' lives. Therefore, we aim to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. We want our pupils to be creators, not consumers, and our broad curriculum encompassing computer science, up-to-date information technology and digital literacy reflects this. We want our pupils to understand that technology can be an immensely powerful tool to enhance our ideas and support our learning. 

We recognise that the best prevention of a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education. We understand the importance of staying up to date with the mobile and expanding nature of technology, empowering students with the skills and understanding, securing their data and avoiding possible hazards.  

We believe that technology enables pupils to extend, share and enhance their learning in relevant and creative ways. For example, the value of students creating a digital presentation, rather than a physical poster, not only supports their digital literacy skills but also provides experience producing work that is more aligned, and therefore productive, within the current digital landscape. 

We also understand the accessibility opportunities technology can provide for our pupils. Technology allows for personalised learning experiences tailored to individual student needs, including those with disabilities. Students can access content in various formats, such as audio, visual, or interactive, to accommodate different learning styles.  We recognise that technology promotes inclusivity by providing accessibility features that enable all students to participate in classroom activities. This creates a more welcoming and accommodating learning environment for students of diverse abilities. We celebrate how technology offers flexibility in how students engage with learning materials, allowing them to work at their own pace and revisit content as needed. This independence is empowering for students who may require additional time or support. 

We embrace and utilise interactive technologies across the curriculum, such as educational apps and games, which can increase student engagement and motivation. This is particularly beneficial for neurologically diverse learners, as interactive activities can make learning more enjoyable and accessible. Our staff understand that information technology provides easy access to a wide range of educational resources, including digital textbooks, online libraries, and educational websites. This accessibility benefits all students, providing resources that can both support and extend our learning goals. 

Computing as a cross-curricular tool 

Mathematics: Use coding activities to reinforce mathematical concepts such as patterns, sequences, and algorithms. Using apps and platforms to engage in repetitive practice such as Numbots, TTR and Kahoot. 

Science: Integrate technology to conduct virtual experiments, simulations, or data analysis. Students can use digital tools to explore scientific concepts, conduct research, or create multimedia presentations. Using services like explorify to support learners’ scientific enquiries. 

Language Arts: Incorporate digital storytelling, blogging, or podcasting activities to enhance literacy skills. Students can write and publish stories, poems, or articles using online platforms. 

Foundation Subjects: Use interactive maps, timelines, or multimedia presentations to explore historical events, cultures, and geography. Students can create digital projects to showcase their understanding of foundation topics. 

Art and Design: Integrate digital art tools, graphic design software, or multimedia editing programs to foster creativity and artistic expression. Students can create digital artworks, animations, or videos related to art curriculum themes. 

Examples of Work