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MFL Spanish


At Ilchester Community Primary School, we aim to ensure that our children have access to a high-quality Spanish curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable. We celebrate diversity and different cultures, promoting positive attitudes, values and community cohesion. Learning a language is an essential part of this. At our school, we want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in Spanish for practical purposes, using both written and spoken Spanish. The children at Ilchester Community Primary School learn Spanish, progressing in knowledge and skills as they move through KS2. Although formal Spanish lessons begin in Year 3, language teaching is embedded through the curriculum as continuous provision in EYFS and KS1, enabling children at all ages to develop a love for languages and lay a foundation for future language learning.

We want our children to develop confidence when speaking, reading and writing Spanish and the scheme of work followed supports children to meet the National Curriculum end of KS2 attainment targets.

There are three key building blocks of a language system, in which knowledge and skills are mapped carefully to ensure progression:

  • Phonics

  • Vocabulary

  • Grammar

Pupils connect these building blocks of knowledge to create meaning in a variety of contexts, allowing them to develop their skills in the following strands:

  • Language comprehension – listening and reading

  • Language production – speaking and writing

We hope that learning a new language will open doors and give opportunities to the pupils at Ilchester Community Primary School by developing a love of language and giving them skills to work or study in other countries one day, as well as equipping them with valuable, transferable skills which can be applied in many areas of life.

In order to achieve the above intent, the school utilises the National curriculum and the Kapow scheme of learning as a basis which is adapted to meet the needs of our children through a rolling platform which has been carefully developed across KS2.


Across KS2, teachers teach stimulating lessons each week to inspire and enthuse children. The Spanish curriculum using the Kapow scheme of learning as a basis which is adapted to meet the needs of our children through a carefully planned rolling platform.

The Kapow scheme of learning provides balanced opportunities for communication in both spoken and written Spanish. Pupils first develop confidence and accuracy with oral skills then increasingly apply their knowledge to extended reading and writing as they progress through Key Stage 2.

The Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme is a spiral curriculum, with key skills, grammar and vocabulary revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Cross-curricular links are included throughout our Spanish units, allowing children to make connections and apply their language skills to other areas of their learning. Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work including role-play, language games and language detective work. Our scheme of work focuses on developing what we term ‘language detective skills’ and developing an understanding of Spanish grammar.

Each unit is based on a specific theme with a motivating end outcome which gives the children a context and clear purpose for their learning. Guidance for adapting the learning is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed and enjoyed by all. To help pupils retain their Spanish learning, we provide information on incorporating Spanish into the classroom environment every day in our ‘During the week’ sections.

At KS2, children’s work and progress is evidenced through Floor Books (one per class), which include the learning objective for the lesson, examples of work from the children, and recordings of speaking and listening activities.

In KS1 and EYFS, children are exposed to Spanish through continuous provision, including learning the colours, animals, numbers and counting when lining up, and exploring countries who speak Spanish through themes and the EYFS learning goals  (understanding the world).

The impact will be measured through continuous formative and summative assessment.  There is a pre and post assessment for each unit to measure progress, as well as regular opportunities to for pupils to evaluate their own and their peers’ performance, respond to feedback and recognise their own progress.


After the implementation of the Spanish curriculum, by the end of Year 6, we expect children to be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of spoken language by listening and responding appropriately.
  • Speak and read aloud with confidence and accuracy in pronunciation.
  • Apply their understanding of phonics to make increasingly accurate attempts to read

unfamiliar words, phrases and short texts.

  • Be able to engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations (e.g. ordering in a cafe, following directions) and express an opinion.
  • Be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learnt.
  • Have developed an a range of language detective skills to tackle unfamiliar words in Spanish, English and other languages.
  • Use a bilingual dictionary to support their language learning.
  • Be able to construct short texts on familiar topics.
  • Meet the end of Key stage 2 stage expectations outlined in the national curriculum for languages.
  • Develop a greater awareness of the wider world and an appreciation for the role of language learning in promoting cross-cultural understanding.

The teaching of Spanish will be monitored through regular lesson observations, scrutiny of floor books and resources, learning walks and pupil and teacher voice.

Examples of Work

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