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Pupil Voice


At Ilchester Community Primary School, we believe that every child's voice matters. Our Pupil Voice initiative empowers students to share their thoughts, ideas, and opinions, creating a vibrant and inclusive school community. Through various activities, such as school councils, surveys, and feedback sessions, we ensure that our students feel heard and valued.

Questions Results
I like school.

93% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I like my teacher.

99% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I enjoy school.

94% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I learn a lot in lessons.

94% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I can join in all the activities.

97% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I feel happy at school

96% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I feel safe at school

96% of the children answered ‘Yes’

My teacher listens to me if I need help.

98% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I have someone to play with at school.

97% of the children answered ‘Yes’

I enjoy break time and lunchtime

97% of the children answered ‘Yes’

Yes = all the time, most of the time or usually