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Term-Time Leave/Request Form

At Ilchester Community Primary School, we understand that there may be occasions when a student needs to be absent from school during term time. However, the law does not grant parents the automatic right to take their child out of school during term time. Only exceptional circumstances warrant an authorised leave of absence.

Exceptional Circumstances

The school will consider each application individually, taking into account the specific facts, circumstances, and relevant background context behind the request. The request must be made by the parent with whom the child normally lives, and permission must be sought in advance. The school will not grant leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. The school must be satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances, based on the individual facts and circumstances of the case, following consultation with other staff as required, including the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Where a leave of absence is granted, the school will determine the number of days the pupil can be away from school.

Authorised Absence

The decision to authorise an absence rests with the Headteacher. The following reasons constitute exceptional circumstances where an authorised absence may be granted:

  • For armed service personnel (Army, Navy, RAF) whose specific tours and duties prevent them from taking holidays during school holiday periods.
  • For emergency services personnel (Fire, Police, Ambulance, Coastguard) who are unable to take leave at any other time due to a national event or a period of national significance.
  • For a family which needs to spend time together during or after a significant emotional crisis (this should be supported by at least one external agency).
  • If the pupil is unwell.
  • Should the pupil need to attend medical or dental appointments during the school day.
  • When the pupil makes a visit to a new school.
  • Days set aside for religious observation.
  • Fixed or permanent exclusion.
  • Attendance at a school-related sports event.

Written proof will be required for each of the above circumstances; there is no automatic right to any holiday in term time.

Requesting Leave of Absence

Parents/Carers may require an authorised absence that does not meet the criteria above. In such cases, the Headteacher should be consulted for direction. Parents should complete a Leave of Absence Request form, which is available either below or from the school. The request should be submitted as soon as it is anticipated and, wherever possible, at least four weeks before the absence. Although such absence may be unauthorised, it is better that we know your child is safe, rather than missing.

Please be aware that you may be required to provide us with additional evidence to support your request. If we have any concerns about possible safeguarding risks, such as the risk of FGM or Forced Marriage, we will follow the necessary protocols. (Please see our school’s Safeguarding Policy for more information.)