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Curriculum Overview


Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is firmly rooted in the values of our school and as such much of its intent is to help the children develop these values:

Equity: Equity is a key driver in all that we do at Ilchester. As a school we are firm in our belief that everyone can achieve and should be fully supported to reach their goals. We recognise that, in order to reach the same goal, whether this be age-related expectations in maths or riding a bike without pedals in reception, different children need differing levels of support and provision. Equity positively encourages and makes social mobility possible by increasing life chances; we are resolute that everyone CAN do it and our curriculum is designed for all to succeed.

Belief: In order to achieve we recognise that children need to believe in themselves and believe in each other. Resilience can only be realised if we belief that we will get there. Children should be able to recognise their own talents and gifts and have the confidence to share them.

Bravery: Without bravery children will not realise what they are capable of. The skill and judgement in taking risks is a key aspect of development. Bravery allows children the moral courage to be in control, to be resilient and to do the right thing.

Curiosity: We believe that developing curious children who want to know ‘why’ and ‘how’ is key to success. We want our children to be excited about learning new things, thirsty for knowledge and motivated to ask, ‘what if…’ Curiosity makes learning fun and motivates deeper learning and understanding.

Kindness: We believe that helping children to become kind, responsible members of their community is just as important as developing core academic skills. Children need to recognise the influence that they have on the world around them and value and respect each other and their environment.

How our curriculum is designed

Curriculum design is viewed by Senior Leaders, Governors and Teachers as an exciting, continuous and fluid process which takes into consideration the needs, characteristics and interests of our children; their prior learning and experiences; and the statutory curriculum (EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum). It is ever- evolving to ensure local, national and global influences are recognised and reflected; that approaches to ever-changing technologies are embraced; and current educational research and best practice informs pedagogy. 

When designing the curriculum, the following factors influenced its development:

  • Providing a coherent, structured and ambitious framework for teaching and learning, which is motivating, engaging and appropriate for all
  • Delivering a progression of knowledge and skills from Reception to Year 6 to ensure all pupils achieve as well as they can
  • The development of a charter for experience and development at the end of each Key Stage: what experiences and cultural capital should all children gain?
  • Encompassing a wide range of learning experiences and opportunities for academic, technical, creative and sporting excellence
  • Supporting a culture of resilience and positive mental health and wellbeing, where every child is safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included
  • Promoting children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
  • Strengthening children’s capacity as a learner and developing their independence, initiative, determination, and love of learning

The aims of our curriculum

We want children to develop a love for learning, enabling them to become lifelong learners. At Ilchester Community Primary we believe that success can be achieved for all. Through a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, our aim is to make all aspects of teaching and learning exciting, engaging and motivating; ensuring all children have the best possible start to their school life: making learning irresistible for all. 

Through careful and considered planning, we aim:

  • To create a positive, happy and stimulating learning environment for both children and adults.
  • For all children to reach age related expectations in reading, writing and in maths
  • To celebrate diversity; for children to respect the opinions and views of others including those from all cultures.
  • For children to value and be valued as part of their community and to understand their influence on the wider world.
  • To enable children to become independent, resourceful and resilient learners
  • For children to develop as confident individuals; to achieve their own potential and develop their own interests.

Curriculum Implementation: How do we achieve this?


Knowledge underpins and enables the application of skill. We strive for children to learn new skills alongside knowledge, ensuring that both are explicitly developed.  

Using the EYFS Statutory Framework and National Curriculum, age-appropriate progression in knowledge and skills for each core and foundation subject has been identified and mapped out across Key Stages.

With high levels of mobility within our school population our classes are subject to yearly reorganisation. To manage this, much of our curriculum (foundation subjects) is taught within a two year rolling programme

All subjects at Ilchester Primary are taught according to the National Curriculum. To support our delivery of the National Curriculum we use different materials and work with various organisations as described below:

Maths: Taught discreetly supported by the White Rose Group and the NCETM. We are linked with the Boolean Maths hub who support us in school development.

Reading and Writing: We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised synthetic phonics programme (SSP) to support the teaching of phonics. We are linked with the Broadclyst English Hub to support school development in this area.

We also use the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE) to support planning in both reading and writing activities.

Spelling follows the Somerset Westover Green materials and handwriting is supported through the Penpals approach.

Whilst some reading and writing sessions link to our topics, the focus remains on English objectives.

Science: Science is drawn directly from the National Curriculum. A two year rolling programme in both Key Stages 1 and 2 ensures coverage and continuity.

Foundation Subjects: To organise and plan our progression of skills and knowledge in the Foundation Subjects we have used the Essentials curriculum from Chris Quigley. This organises learning into three Milestones: end of Year 2, 4 and 6.

Music: Music is largely taught discreetly. SINGUP materials are used in support of the National Curriculum

Computing: Computing is also mostly taught discreetly. The Somerset Active Bytes materials are used to support National Curriculum objectives

PE: Resources and planning from the Somerset Activity Sports Partnership are used for planning PE and activity in line with National Curriculum.

RE: Religious Education at Ilchester is taught through the Somerset agreed Syllabus: Awareness, Mystery and Value.

PSHE and RSE: Personal, Social and Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education are both taught using the Jigsaw programme. Government guidelines for RSE teaching are fully supported through the Jigsaw programme.

Geography, History, Art and Design and Design Technology: Planning for these subjects (based on the essentials curriculum) is delivered thematically. Themes are delivered on an annual basis in the Early Years and on a two-yearly rolling programme for KS1, Years 3 & 4 and Year 5 & 6.  Topics are carefully designed to capture the interests and imaginations of our children, within a local context.  In order to ensure that progression and balance is maintained, the programmes of study are developed into medium-term plans which clearly highlight the learning objectives assessment opportunities and links to school values. Each theme is introduced through a Curriculum hook which aims to ignite children’s interest and motivation to learn; and finishes with a celebration, event or other outcome to share all that has been achieved.  Whilst we use every opportunity to capitalise on connections between subjects we recognise the need within thematic sessions to have clear focus on subject specific knowledge and skills.

Curriculum Impact: What difference does the curriculum make to our children?

At Ilchester Community Primary School we strive for all pupils to achieve their potential, by having high expectations across the board. Children make good progress throughout the Foundation Stage to finish with levels of development above the national average; attainment in the phonics check has been above national average in 2 of the last 3 years, attainment in reading, writing and maths at KS1 is in line with or above national average and, by the end of Key Stage Two, children perform in line or above national average in reading, writing, maths, spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Moreover, children leave Ilchester with a broad experience across national curriculum subjects, equipped with the key knowledge and skills to enjoy the learning opportunities that KS3 has to offer. Passions for particular subjects are developed and fostered; a talented artist is valued alongside an excellent reader.

Placing our school values at the heart of our curriculum means that children leave Ilchester with the attitudes and dispositions to equip them as responsible members of the differing communities in which they will work and live: in short, children leave Ilchester as ‘good people’.

Year A

Year B